More HTC One camera samples

It was a glorious day in London today. The SEGA blue skies and sun were out in force. Perhaps it is a sign that we may finally get the summer we deserve this year. Or maybe not. 

Still, never one to let an opportunity like this pass, I had my HTC One with me. Like a tourist, I was shooting anything of interest to me (you can always find something interesting in London). I've also taken a few more night shots. You can view these unedited samples below.

These image samples are a mixture of HDR, auto mode, night mode and sweep panorama (which is ridiculously good). The full res version resides on Dropbox, thanks to a quirk on Blogger not allowing anything wider than 1280 pixels. I have also been using the HTC Zoe feature more. You can find a sample of South Bank's finest skateboarders in action on the Zoe Share site


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